The big news first. The QARC4Revit plug-in has been launched to our current users. In Beta version. All users received an email before Christmas explaining how to load it. If you cannot find that please let us know on
Some extra news that would please those on R2018 – we solved the rendering issue with producing preview thumbnails of system families like walls, rooves and floors. So they are all there.
The rest of the news now.
More content has been added since that first upload. Components, Furniture, Trusses, and we solved the issue of four extraneous walls appearing in wall folders.

The Components folder is gradually increasing as we work through our content. As you can see the Components Model folder has items that do not fit elsewhere. In the QARC4Revit Plug-in browser, have a look and see what’s there.

We are working through all the furniture that we have, and making sure it works plus renders properly. So far we have included Bedroom, Chairs, Living and Other.
We are building up the Structural folder. It is mostly not engineering content, but ‘architectural’ components. The trusses and footings do not possess structural capacities. We are calling the folder “Structural” for the moment, and may call it something else. Any ideas?
We had issues with walls – each set of walls ended up with four extraneous items that cannot be purged from a Revit file. Our coders worked out a method for these not to appear.
Our first manufacturer has come on board – Allkind Joinery. They make excellent timber doors and windows. We have uploaded windows, and are working on doors. You’ll notice that we need to adjust how they appear as preview thumbnails, and we are working on it. World first technology takes a bit of figuring out. That is why it is a Beta release.

You will notice we have added the whole Revit Metric Library. It has been added, simply because all users cannot preview its content, and since it is freely available we figured why not upload it. Some things do not load well, or at all, such as annotations, but we’ll fix that once we figure out that part of Revit’s tricky API.
As above, if you have not loaded the QARC4Revit plug-in, we encourage you to do so. Its content is the latest, as we are no longer updating the old Dropbox folders.
Cheers from the QARC team.