Choosing Titleblocks is easy…
For PREMIUM+ subscribers, we provide 15 combinations of standard Titleblocks. There are 5 layout types and 3 choices of font. Have a look at the galleries below.
Fonts Available – Arial, Arial Narrow, Century Gothic. Arial is shown in the galleries.
After you purchase PREMIUM+ go to the TITLEBLOCK SELECTION FORM to select your preferred combination. We will be in touch to obtain your logo and practice details for insertion into the Titleblocks.
Or after submitting the form, feel free to email with your logo, address, phone, email, website, memberships and license number.
Please ensure the logo is high quality in either .bmp, .jpg, .png or .tiff formats.
The option of customised Titleblocks is available for a fee, customised Titleblocks are available as per the Software page. To maintain your unique style, email to with your request and examples, and we’ll integrate your style into our methodology.
The ARChetype template becomes yours by inserting five customised Titleblocks, replacing the defaults to match your practice’s look. These include horizontal and vertical Titleblocks, a cover, an extra insert cover for large sets, and a blank for consultant drawings.
QARC4Revit Titleblocks feature:
– Multiple, rotatable North points with magnetic/true variance.
– Easily selectable scale bars.
– Extra fields for project and sheet data.
– QARC’s Issue system.
– Key data (sheet number, project number, issue) positioned at the bottom right for efficiency.
Traditional Rectangle
Traditional Rectangle is the Titleblock that many chose, as it reflects what most practices use. Your info sits in between issue & revision blocks to the left, and the project & sheet data to the right. The Vertical Titleblock does this in a stack.
Traditional Lines
Traditional Lines is arranged similarly to Traditional Rectangles, with your info sitting in between issue & revision blocks to the left, and the project & sheet data to the right. The Vertical Titleblock does this in a stack. The difference is that vertical lines are used in the Titleblock to separate items.
Traditional Rounded Rectangle
As the name suggests, is aa softer rounded version of Traditional Rectangle. It can appear more dramatic, if you like that. Just like 1 and 2, your info sits in between issue & revision blocks to the left, and the project & sheet data to the right. The Vertical Titleblock does this in a stack.
Rectangle Logo Left
Rectangle Logo Left is used by those that prefer their info all at the bottom left. The vertical version has this at the top right. It can make your info look more discreet but in fact ensures you are noticed as it sits by itself. To the right of your info is the issue & revision blocks with the project & sheet data to the right.